Creating a sequence in uOS

If your HDA device has uControl, you are able to setup Sequences which allow you to combine commands together to trigger a response from the system. This can be useful for scheduling certain actions like switching on/off a rooms devces at the push of a button.

In this support article:


Creating a Sequence in uControl

1. Open uControl

From the main screen navigate to the menu in the top left.

What you see on the main screen may differ, however, the three lined menu bar will still be there.

2. Navigate to your settings

Look for the settings icon located in the bottom left corner.

The icon may vary depending on your mobile devices size, although it will still be in the bottom left corner.

3. Access System

From here press “Access System”.

This is your device page which displays your units model and IP address.

4. Sequences

In this menu press “Manage Sequences”.

From this page you can also manage uControl IR/IP packs.

5. webUI

The webUI can also be easily accessed by typing you devices IP address into a website URL.

You will be taken to the uOS home page, open the menu in the top left and select “Sequences”.

6. Add new Sequence

We are now in the sequences page where you can see your available sequences, and current functions. Press “Add New”.

A pop-up will appear asking if you’re creating a Function or Sequence, choose Sequence.

7. Input details

Now we need to input the details of your Sequence.

Make sure to label it so its clear what your sequence performs when you execute it.

8a. Adding your command(s)

We have the description of our Sequence, but now need to add the commands.

This first command is to switch the TV on or off, depending on the condition you set (True/False).

8b. Adding your command(s)

The next command speaks to the source device AppleTV by firstly going to the main menu. From here the next action command is “Enter”, which will open up AppleTV movies as it is the first icon in the menu. It also has a half a second delay before the second action is executed.

There are plenty of commands to choose from and you can get quite creative.

9. Zone selection

Certain rooms won’t require sequences to be present in them as the devices you’re controlling are in another room, so select which Sequences are required where appropriate.

There are plenty of commands to choose from and you can get quite creative. Once finished press Update Sequence.

10. Activating your sequence

Open the menu in the top left and you will see your available Sequences.

You may have only selected a certain zone for your Sequence to be available in, to chnage between zones press the downward arrow and you can switch between them.