Search by Support Category: mHub 4K
*Before you activate the Alexa Voice Service with your MHUB, make sure Amazon support your territory and version. We cannot guarantee voice services or offer support to those territories not officially supported by Amazon. Check here:
What you need to get your MHUB to respond to voice commands:
- You have completed the first-boot procedure within MHUB-OS
- You have MHUB-OS version 8.10 or higher installed on your MHUB
- You have an active HDA Cloud account
- You have downloaded uControl packs for all displays and source devices you want to control
- You have completed input mapping in MHUB-OS
- You have an active Amazon account
- You have an Amazon Alexa enabled device, such as Amazon Dot/Echo/Show
Setting up AV Skill
Configure voice commands to do exactly what you want
Let’s take the command “Alexa, Turn on football” as an example.
It might appear like a very simple command but there are a number of things that need to happen in order to watch football! First the TV might need to turn on, but in which room? The volume might need to be set to a desired limit. The correct source input might need to be selected on MHUB and finally that source will need to navigate to the channel hosting the football.
You can configure all those actions in what we call a “Sequence”.
Taking the example above:
Alexa (this wakes up your Amazon Dot/Echo/Show)
Turn on… (this invokes the smarthome skill)
football (this is your custom name for the Sequence, it can be anything you want)
Inside MHUB-OS we can configure exactly what “football” does.
- You can select if you want MHUB to turn your TV on and adjust the volume
- You can tell MHUB to switch to the source device with has the football on it
- You can instruct MHUB to change the channel on that source device
Read more about Sequences and Scheduling.
- When searching for devices, nothing is found
- Check you cloud account details were entered correctly
- Ensure only 1 system is linked with the cloud account being used
- Ensure you have backed up the system to cloud after configuring the Alexa Skill on MHUB-OS
- When you try to control a zone Alexa says the command isnt supported
- Ensure there are no other devices linked to the Alexa that have the same name as the zone.
Here’s a table of all the commands you can tell your MHUB to do…
Now you’re ready to go. Take a look at a full list of commands that you can say to your Echo.
The first boot process for MHUB-OS has remained largely unchanged with the exception of zones.
The slideshow below walks you through the steps within MHUB’s first boot process and how to setup zones to refect the different rooms or areas within you property.
If you wish to configure a stacked system please watch this video – Creating a MHUB stacked system.
You should be able to complete the process in under 10 minutes.
MHUB-OS first boot steps are as follows:
- EULA and Privacy policy
- Name your MHUB
- Name your source devices
- Create zones
- Assign outputs to zones
- Confirm zones
- Connect MHUB to HDA Cloud
- Complete setup
HDANYWHERE(HDA) recommends that every MHUB install goes through its first boot process to ensure that the MHUB is setup correctly.
How long does the process take to complete
If you have an update to install then then first boot usually take about 10 minutes. If there is no update you can normally finish the entire process and have an operational MHUB system well within 5-7 minutes.
Yes. You do not need to access MHUB-OS if you don’t want to. But this is only recommended if you intend to control you MHUB via a control system. You will also miss the opportunity to increase your warranty period and open your MHUB to additional features or services.
I don’t want to use MHUB-OS or go through the first boot process, will MHUB work like a normal?
Yes. You do not need to access MHUB-OS if you don’t want to. But this is only recommended if you intend to control you MHUB via a control system. You will also miss the opportunity to increase your warranty period and open your MHUB to additional features or services.
I made a mistake in the first boot process, can I go back or make a change?
Yes. You can go all the way back to the update step and correct any incorrect information you entered. Alternatively, you can also access MHUB-OS (after you have completed first boot) and change anything then.
If you have received a notification in uControl or by email that an update is available for your MHUB-OS then follow these steps to update your system. All updates are now handled by uControl. Please ensure you have installed the latest version.
If you have not connected to your MHUB before, please follow this guide first – Connecting to a MHUB
If you have received a notification in uControl or by email that an update is available for your MHUB then chose the correct option below:
Updating an existing system
The majority of MHUB customers will be on MHUB-OS 7 and their systems will contain user data which needs updating to the latest version. If this is you then follow these steps.
- Click ‘Connect to an exisiting MHUB system’, uControl will scan your network for any MHUB systems
- Select your MHUB device
- Connect to your MHUB
- uControl will show popup message that MHUB-OS requires updating, click ‘update’ and follow on screen prompts
Updating an New system
This is likely to happen if you have recently bought MHUB and it was shipped to you on older software. You will run through the following steps:
- Click ‘CONNECT TO MHUB SYSTEM’, uControl will scan your network for any MHUB systems
- Select your MHUB device
- uControl will check the current version of MHUB-OS, if an update is required, you will be prompted to update it.
- Connect to your MHUB
- Perform first boot process.
Updating to MHUB-OS 8.00 from an earlier version
If your version of uControl updates to version 2.0 or above automatically, any previous connection to your MHUB will be reset. This is normal and part of the update process. Follow the process as described in ‘Updating a New System’ and uControl will update your system as part of the connection process.

Follow the instructions within the app to connect back to your system. During this process uControl will check MHUB(s) to see if they also require updating.
Watch a video of it here:
Having trouble updating your MHUB, check here -Update Troubleshooting
Make sure MHUB is connected up correctly before starting the first boot process on MHUB-OS
HDANYWHERE(HDA) recommends that every MHUB install goes through its first boot process to ensure that the MHUB is setup correctly. Please follow the quick start guide (inside MHUB packaging) to make sure your MHUB is connected correctly to your source devices, displays and has an active network connection before proceeding.
I don’t want to use MHUB-OS or go through the first boot process, will MHUB work like a normal matrix?
Yes. You do not need to access MHUB-OS if you don’t want to. MHUB will work distributing video as normal and will be controllable using the included remote controls. Please note that you will not be able to access advanced features such as voice control, the uControl app or build Sequences.
Accessing MHUB-OS (MOS)
There are two ways to access MOS:
- Download our app, uControl, from the iOS or Google Play Store and let it find MHUB (and run you through the first boot) for you
- Go to your MHUB and press and hold the “MENU” button for 5 seconds to reveal its IP address. Make a note of it then put that address in to any web browser on the same network. You will be forwarded to the first boot process.
First boot process
- BEFORE STARTING:Read and agree to the End User Licence Agreement (EULA) and Privacy Statement
- First Boot Step 1 – Check for MOS updates
This is where your MHUB requests available updates from HDA cloud so your unit will update to the latest version. This is done before proceeding.
- First Boot Step 2 – Name your MHUB
Here you can give your MHUB a personal name, this can also be used to differentiate multiple installations by HDA Pro’s - First Boot Step 3 – Name your sources/inputs
On this page you can label your input devices, such as Sky, Apple or Tivo. These labels are used in the uControl app and with voice control. Please go here for best practices when adding names. [Best Practices]
- First Boot Step 4 – Name your Displays/Rooms/outputs
This page is similar to the previous step. You can choose to label them as display manufacturers or room names. Again please follow best practice guidelines available here – [Best Practices] - First Boot Step 5 – Turn update notifications On/Off
MOS updates are released periodically, here you can choose to be notified when an update is available
- First Boot Step 6 – Create or link your MHUB to a HDA cloud account, read and agree to our Terms and Conditions
MHUB4K(3rd gen) and MHUB4KPRO units can be linked to a cloud based account. When registering as a homeowner this enables a couple of things. Firstly when you register, your warranty period is extended by 1 year, in addition to that cloud access is required when using the uControl IRengine feature allowing you to control source and display devices. Cloud access is also required for voice integration. For a HDA PRO the cloud account allows you to manage your MHUB installations remotely, getting system information as well as a host of other features. - First Boot Step 7 – Secure MHUB with a PIN number
If you wish you can lock local access to MOS stopping any unwanted configuration changes from being made. - First Boot Step 8 – Complete First Boot Setup
Once you have completed the first boot process you can either ‘COMPLETE SETUP’ and go to the MOS DASHBOARD pag, . or goto the uControl page to start adding device/source control. For more information on uControl go here uControl
1. HDA Cloud
The HDA Cloud acts as our global data storage and service delivery platform offering an interface for MHUB owners, HDA Pro’s and 3rd party devices to talk to one another.
There are two types of cloud account that can be associated with an MHUB system.
2. HDA Cloud Account
The HDANYWHERE (HDA) Cloud account is the account that belongs to the Homeowner and/or End-User. The owner of the MHUB has to have a verified HDA Cloud account before any communication between MHUB systems and the HDA Cloud can take place.
Registering the MHUB system provides numerous benefits including:
- Extending the warranty period on the system by 1 year (must be registered within 30 days of purchase, Warranty is non-transferable)
- Enables advanced functions for things like voice control, uControl, integration with other IoT devices and Sequences
- Provide advanced troubleshooting information to your HDA Pro installer and HDA
- Provide your HDA Pro installer permission to remotely manage your system, they can then modify your system for you without physically being there
3. HDA Pro Account
The HDA Pro account can not be added to a unit unless a HDA Cloud account (outlined above) is present first. This account authorises the installer to monitor the MHUB on their customer’s (the homeowner) behalf. This account sits alongside the Cloud account and gives a 3rd party access to the MHUB’s data and the ability to control it. HDA Pro’s can register Here
The following Settings can be managed remotely:
- Source Routing (and switching)
- Edid management
- uControl sequence configuration
- uControl IR pack configuration
- Power management
- IP configuration
- Temperature
- Firmware (MHUB-OS, and MHUB)
You can also monitor the following:
IMPORTANT: a HDA Pro Account has to be created first Here and authorised by HDA staff before the installer can use their account details to enable monitoring on the MHUB.
MHUB’s operating system which acts as the bridge between using MHUB and managing it. From MHUB-OS it is possible to connect to HDA Cloud, integrate devices like Amazon Alexa, manage network settings and update software to add new features.
5. uControl
uControl is our remote control app for MHUB 4K PRO systems. It pulls all the information it needs to work directly from MHUB-OS and requires no setup or configuration. Just download it and let it find your MHUB and you’re ready to go.
Setting up the MHUB 4K PRO Control / MHUB 4K PRO Smarthome Skill on the Alexa app
We are assuming that you have already downloaded the Amazon Alexa app and have a functioning Amazon account.
Skill types:
There are two types of skill which you can enable on the Alexa app.
- Custom Skill
With a Custom Skill we have full control over the voice interaction (a voice interaction is the communication you have with an ECHO device when speaking a command and also includes the response given by the ECHO) between you and your Echo device, this allows for a greater range of voice commands including playhead, change channel, switch sources, increase/decrease volume.Click here to view a the full range of voice commands. - Smarthome Skill
The Smarthome skill differs from the custom skill in a couple of ways. Firstly, invoking a smarthome skill is fixed and defined by Amazon, this also applies to the voice interaction. We currently support on/off commands, allowing you to perform actions quickly by uttering “Alexa, turn on TV” or a custom label like “Alexa, turn on movies”. - You can of course, use both. They are FREE!
What you need to get your MHUB to respond to voice commands:
- You have completed the first-boot procedure within MHUB-OS
- You have MHUB-OS version 7.0 or higher installed on your MHUB
- You have an active HDA Cloud account
- You have downloaded uControl packs for all displays and source devices you want to control
- You have an active Amazon account
- You have an Amazon Alexa enabled device, such as Amazon Dot/Echo/Show
Linking the custom skill “MHUB 4K PRO Control”
- Go to the Skills section on the Alexa app and search for “MHUB 4K PRO Control”
- Click on the skill and select “Enable”
- Click “Link Account” – when you do this, you will be redirected to HDA Cloud’s secure login page. Enter your username and password in to the fields.
Linking the smarthome skill “MHUB 4K PRO Smarthome”
- Go to the Skills section on the Alexa app and search for “MHUB 4K PRO Control”
- Click on the skill and select “Enable”
- Click “Link Account” – when you do this, you will be redirected to HDA Cloud’s secure login page. Enter your username and password into the fields.
- After the account has been linked, visit the “Smart Home” screen then navigate to the ‘Manage devices in Smart Home’ then Devices. Next click ‘Discover’.
- This action will communicate with MHUB and pull any devices making them ready to use.
Configure voice commands to do exactly what you want
Let’s take the command “Alexa, tell my TV to watch football” as an example.
It might appear like a very simple command but there are a number of things that need to happen in order to watch football! First the TV might need to turn on, but in which room? The volume might need to be set to a desired limit. The correct source input might need to be selected on MHUB and finally that source will need to navigate to the channel hosting the football.
You can configure all those actions in what we call a “Sequence”.
Taking the example above:
Alexa (this wakes up your Amazon Dot/Echo/Show)
tell my TV to… (this invokes HDA’s custom skill)
watch (this is a special function which tells MHUB to start a Sequence)
football (this is your custom name for the Sequence, it can be anything you want)
Inside MHUB-OS we can configure exactly what “football” does.
- You can select if you want MHUB to turn your TV on and adjust the volume
- You can tell MHUB to switch to the source device with has the football on it
- You can instruct MHUB to change the channel on that source device
Read more about Sequences and Scheduling.
Here’s a table of all the commands you can tell your MHUB to do…
Now you’re ready to go. Take a look at a full list of commands that you can say to your Echo.
Windows configuration tool for MHUB 2K and MHUB 4K systems. Search for MHUB, configure EDID and network settings.
Download the MHUB 2K and MHUB 4K configuration tool.
The software configuration tool has been written for an older version of Windows. If you run the exe file on your laptop and you receive a C++ error message then please read this support article.
When I try to install the software, I receive this warning:
“The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail.”
This issue is typically caused by a conflict between the program and one or more of the files in the C++ runtime libraries. These libraries are part of the Windows operating system and are used, and potentially updated, by installing or updating several Microsoft or other third party products.
If you are experiencing this error when launching or installing the program, and if the program repair option does not resolve the issue, the most effective method to correct this error is to uninstall and reinstall any Microsoft Visual C++ installations currently available on your computer before proceeding with the installation.
To uninstall all current Microsoft Visual C++ installations
Open the Control Panel and locate the list of programs.
Windows 8/10
From within the Start screen, type “Control Panel” and click on the Control Panel search result when it appears.
Select Programs and Features.
Windows 7/Vista
Click Start> Control Panel
If viewing categories, click Programs> Uninstall a Program
If viewing icons, click Programs and Features
Windows XP
Select Start> Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs
Scroll down to locate the Microsoft Visual C++ entries.
Select each one, starting from the top entry, and choose Uninstall.
Do this for each entry, until there are no more Microsoft Visual C++ entries listed.
To reinstall new Microsoft Visual C++ packages follow the instructions on this page –
Once every package has been downloaded and installed, restart Windows.
Finally, launch the program. If the error message persists after following all of these instructions, then please contact HDanywhere technical support on 01684 576348
The mHub 4K range has full support for most popular control systems via serial (RS232) or IP.
All control strings and current available drivers are available in the mHub control pack, available here – Download
IP control
To control the mHub 4k unit via IP you will first need to discover it by using the mHub controller software available in the control pack above
The mHub 4K will acquire an IP address via DHCP the first time it is connected to your home network, use the controller software to locate it on your network.
In the mHub controller software select IP and then press the ‘search’ button, this should locate your mHub matrix. Press ‘connect’ the red button should turn green.
Press the configure button
From here you can set the matrix to a static IP if you wish (this is generally good practice)
Your matrix is now on your home network and will be able to receive IP commands from whatever control system you are using.
Looking for the mHub 2K information, go here – mHub 2K
To disable the beep on the mHub 2k range of matrices please following the instructions below using either I.P or RS232 connection methods.
To adjust the settings on the mHub range of products, you will need to download the controller software Download
A) Connecting to the mHub Via I.P
The mHub 2K’s IP address is pre-configured as, your computer will need to have it’s IPV4 range configured to be within the same range initially while you setup the matrix. (You don’t need to follow this step if you have a mHub 4K system)
To configure your IPV4 settings you will need to navigate to the following menu
->Network and sharing center
——->Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
Once you have changed the IP settings on your PC, open the Mhub controller software.
In the Control Mode Select Box choose ‘IP’, then click the ‘Search’ button. When the IP address shows in the mHub IP box, click connect.
B) Connecting to the mHub Via RS232
To connect via RS232 use the supplied serial cable can connect between the mHub and your PC, then on the Controller software select ‘RS232′, then in the RS232 Options section select the Com port being used from the drop down menu then click connect
C) Disabling the Beep
To disable the beep select the ‘Control’ tab and untick the box labeled ‘Enable Feedback Beep’.
Once changed, you can verify the beep has been disabled by performing a source switch operation.
Using multichannel 5.1 / 7.1 amps AVR with matrix systems
Essential Knowledge
To understand how multichannel (5.1 / 7.1 etc) audio/sound is routed via a HDMI or HDBaseT matrix system, it is important to firstly acknowledge that all HDMI source devices (Blu-ray players, set-top-boxes, media servers, PCs etc) can only output a single audio format type at any one time. This is a limitation of HDMI itself.
For example, the HDMI port on a Blu-Ray player cannot simultaneously output HDMI with 2.0ch stereo as well as HDMI with 7.1 DTS Master audio. It is always one or the other.
With only displays connected to the matrix
When a matrix has only displays connected, with no AMPS/AVR in your set up, routing audio is relatively easy. This is because displays generally only have two speakers, and so a single HDMI format of HDMI+2.0ch can be routed to all displays. This gives you video and audio at every display.
Adding an AVR/AMP the matrix
When adding an AMP/AVR to the connected device mix, you are adding a component that can accept a multichannel audio format, such as 5.1 or 7.1.
You now have a situation whereby some connected devices (displays) can only accept HDMI with 2.0ch stereo and some (the AVR/Amp) can accept HDMI with multichannel audio.
What to expect in a mixed display / AVR setup
Video matrixes operate on a “lowest common denominator” rule. This means that the matrix will exchange information with your displays and AVRs to decide on the format of audio to get from the source device; choosing the format that will ensure audio is output in all of your locations.
One of two things can happen: If the AVR is turned on first and the matrix set to send a source capable of multi-channel audio to the AVR, the source will deliver multi-channel audio to the AVR. If a stereo TV is then turned on and the matrix then set to send the same source going to the AVR to the TV, the TV will be unable to play back the multi-channel audio. The result would be no sound from the TV.
In the reverse, if a TV is turned on first and the matrix is set to send one of the connected sources, the source will deliver stereo audio to the TV via the matrix. If the AVR is then switched on and the matrix set to deliver the same source going to the TV, the AVR will only receive stereo audio.
It is important to re-iterate, this is not a product limitation of HDanywhere matrixes. This is a limitation of HDMI technology itself and its specification.
A solution is therefore required whereby the source device always sends multichannel audio to the AMP/AVR and 2.0ch stereo audio to the displays.
Solution options
There are many ways to solve this problem. Some complicated, some easier. Things will depend on the location of your equipment and the number of AVRs. We are always happy to help you build a specific solution that meets your setup. Here we can only cover some of the more common setup examples and a single solution to those.
I have a single AVR located beside / local to my source devices and the matrix e.g. in a cupboard / AV rack.
In this type of setup, where the AVR for the multi-channel room is located with the sources and matrix itself, one solution is to deliver the audio to your AVR via alternative connectors to the HDMI where possible. For example, Sky HD boxes and Blu-Ray players usually have a digital audio output that can be connected to the AVR** via optical cabling. This can deliver multi-channel audio to the AVR over the optical cable, whilst the HDMI output from the source device can deliver 2.0 ch stereo audio to your matrix and therefore your other TV (stereo) locations in your setup. If this setup is located away from the room with multi-channel speakers fitted, say an under-stairs cupboard, there are solutions to keep IR control of your AVR that we can help with.
AVRs located in the room with the displays
In this type of setup, where AVR(s) are located in the rooms local to the displays, make sure the HDMI device is set to output 5.1 / 7.1 channel audio. This audio format will be sent over the Cat cable to each display location. In order to get audio out of your HDTVs (in say three rooms) and the AVR (connected to HDTV in a fourth room), some additional hardware is needed. HDanywhere sell a signal manager. Place 1 x signal manager at each TV that needs 2.0 channel audio aka. each TV that does not have an AVR. Use a HDMI cable to connect the HDMI output port of the matrix’s display receiver to the HDMI input port of the Signal manager. Then use another HDMI cable to connect the HDMI output port of the Signal Manager to the HDMI port on the HDTV. So, the Signal Manager sits in between the display receiver and the HDTV.
The Signal Manager has a box labelled “Audio”. The little switch on this audio section needs toggled to number 2: LPCM 2.0 before you connect up and turn on all your HDMI source devices and displays. Do not switch toggle the switch from no. 1 to no. 2 whilst displays and HDMI sourced devices are on. If you do so, you will need to power down the re-power all source devices and displays.
Once the signal manager is set up and in place it will take 5.1 and output it as 2.0, ready to be accepted and then output by the HDTV. This should hopefully resolve your issue and deliver 5.1 to your AVR and 2.0 to your HDTV.
*Multichannel audio via HDMI includes the following formats: LPCM, Dolby Digital, DTS, DVD-Audio, Super Audio CD, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD,DTS-HD High Resolution Audio, DTS-HD Master Audio, MPCM, DSD, DST
**When using alternative audio connectors other than HDMI, support for DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby True HD is lost.
HDBaseT Product Distance Capability Notes
Products based on HDBaseT are based on one of two groups of electronic chips. The HDBaseT-Pro and HDBaseT-Lite groups. Each has different distances over which it can extend HDMI and this also depends on the type of cable used.
What is two-way IR?
With one way IR, the IR travels “backwards” from the TV location to the location of your source device or central matrix. The addition of a “forward” IR path means that IR can be sent 2 ways along the transmission cable, known as “two way IR”.
The “forward” IR path takes IR from the central location to the location of the receiver part of the product you are using. Normally this will be the location of a display or projector.
In most cases, if you are experiencing green screen on your display then this is often down to the HDMI cable in between. A quick way to test to see if this is the case is to replace your existing HDMI cable with our range of 4K or 8K HDMI cables. If that doesn’t work, move your HDMI source to another display in your property (use a different HDMI cable), connect it up and observe to see if the same behaviour follows the box. This will help you determine if the issue is the cable or the HDMI source.
The article below describes how to troubleshoot a green screen when using a HDANYWHERE product, if you are having green screen issues and you do not own a HDA product then we recommend you buy our 4K or 8K HDMI cables and give that a go first – they come with free shipping!
There is no picture or maybe a green screen following standby or when switching between source devices via a matrix. Most often this problem occurs once the TV goes to standby, and when brought out of standby to an ‘on’ state, it will not handshake properly and green screen instead of video appears.
Green screen flashes generally indicate a HDCP (Digital Content Protection) handshaking issue, or a HDMI hot plug detect issue between that particular source device and display.