How to find available systems through uControl

Your HDA device will be displayed as an available system when connected to uControl. You may have more than one device connected, or be operating a stack and need to see which devices are connected.

In this support article:


When you’re not connected in uControl

1. Open uControl app

Launch uControl and you will see the home page.

You now need to press advanced.

2. Press “Find Devices”

This is the advanced screen where you can find your devices, connect over WiFi, reset your system and more.

It is the main navigation page for your devices options.

3. Available Systems(s)

This is where your connected devices will show.

If you have more than one connected device, you can click “identify” to make the power LED of that unit flash.

When you’re connected in uControl

1. Open up uControl

If you’re already connected to a system then you will need to access uControl’s settings. From the main screen you will see something similar to this (see below). From here, look for a menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner, press that to reveal the Zone selector and Zone control menu.

What you see on the main screen may differ, however, the three lined menu bar will still be there.

2. Navigate to your settings

Look for the settings icon located in the bottom left corner.

The icon may vary depending on your mobile devices size, however, it will still be in the bottom left corner.

3. Press “Utilities”

This will take you to your devices service page.

From here you can also see the IP address of the device you’re currently controlling.

4. Press “Find Devices”

From this page you can also update, and reset your HDA device. To find out more check out our uOS Utilities page.

The next page will show you your connected HDA devices.

5. Available Systems(s)

If you have a stacked system, or multiple devices they will show here.

If you have more than one connected device, you can click “identify” to make the power LED of that unit flash.